Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey lurkey doo and

Turkey lurkey dap

I eat that turkey

Then I take a nap.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Warm Fuzzies

My Kinders have responded very well to a classroom incentive I like to refer to as "Warm Fuzzies."  It involves a glass jar and LOTS of craft poms.  Each time wonderful group behavior is displayed, a craft pom (warm fuzzy) is put into the jar.  I drew a line on the jar about half-way up.  If the warm fuzzies reach this line....the class gets an ice cream party.  Later, when the warm fuzzies reach the top of the jar....a pizza party is the ultimate reward!

I use this incentive tool to target group behaviors that I want the kids to work on together.  Walking quietly in hallway.  Transitioning quietly and independently between classroom activities.  Using great table manners in the lunchroom.

One of the most recent warm fuzzies my kinders received was for behaving so responsibly in the library that they were allowed to check out a library book.  (A privilege that is normally not given to Kinders at our school until January).  I made a REALLY big deal about this warm fuzzy.  I picked a yellow fuzzy and described its golden color as though it were an Olympic medal.  I let the classroom leader of day stand on a pedestal stool to put it into the glass jar.  We ooohed and aweed.  And then the remarks started about how good getting this warm fuzzy felt.

B:  "I feel like a 1st grader!"
A:  "I feel like a 2nd grader!"
E:  "I feel like a high schooler!"
C:  "I feel like a college student!"
I:    "I feel like ice cream!"

My class is now one warm fuzzy away from an ice cream party and are licking their lips in anticipation.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hats Off to Learning Fun

About a month ago we recognized National Red Ribbon Week at our school.  Each day students were encouraged to dress up in different themes to celebrate making healthy life choices.  One of the days was Hat Day and my Kinders were too cute.  I forgot to post the pictures sooner, so here they are later!







And the silliest of them all....Mrs. Pearce!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I is for Ice Cream

This past week we celebrated the letter I and both of its cool sounds.  The KG teaching team surprised our Kinders with a culminating activity to end our week.  We invited Carlos the Scientist to come visit us and make ice cream using liquid nitrogen.  (insert ooohs and awes).  We are very fortunate to have the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Florida State University nearby to our school.  They have an excellent educational outreach program that is FREE!  It is a wonderful way to bring field trip opportunities to our students; particularly in these economically precarious times (I tried to say that as delicately as possible).

Now on to some fun photo highlights of our yummy learning experience....

To begin, Carlos showed the kids how to use
safety gear before beginning an experiment.
The experiment began with typical ingredients for homemade ice cream.
Milk, half and half, vanilla extract and eggs.

Next, Carlos adds the liquid nitrogen to speed up the freezing process

 There is some science magic going on here!

The finished churn needed and
ready to serve within 5 minutes!

Thumbs up for the best ice cream EVER! 

What a delicious way to learn about Science and the letter I.  I don't think our Kinders will ever forget Scientist Carlos.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Oh The Things They Will Say.....Supersize

B. is a cute little blond haired boy in my class with an raspy voice unique for a 5 year old.  He is always excited to come to school each day and cannot wait for one learning activity to end before anxiously anticipating the next.  He taught the whole class to sing "My Country Tis of Thee" at Calendar Time and loves to share his experiences with everyone.  B. had a very good learning week.  He (almost) managed to stay in the green zone on our behavioral chart every day. 

On Friday morning I encouraged my Kinders by telling them that I just knew we were going to have a great day to end our learning week.  At this moment B. couldn't resist sharing his latest excitement.  He stood up from his chair, ran over to me and said, "Mrs. Pearce!  My Poppy said if I stay on green today he is going to supersize my surprise!"

Now that's one surprise I can't wait to hear about on Monday.