I will admit it. I love following blogs. Home decorating blogs. Travel blogs. And perhaps most fondly, blogs devoted to teaching young children. There is an almost voyeuristic nature to reading the various adventures and happenings of people. Maybe I like it so much because it makes this big planet called Earth seem a little bit smaller. Or maybe it's because it occasionally sparks an idea within me that is just aching to come to fruition. The Kindergarten teacher in me might equate viewing blogs as almost a "virtual show and tell." But just as I was an eager young student back in the 1970's, it is not enough to just watch others bravely reveal a priced possession or bit of newfound knowledge....I want to share, too! And so I have arrived at this moment. The creation of my very own blog with its very first post. Am I a little nervous? Yes. Do I know what I am doing? Uhm...not quite. Am I excited? You bet! And so with a little help from our dear Dr. Seuss....here goes!
"Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You’re on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go."
Welcome to the blogging world. You will have such a great time. I am so excited to read your next post. Your love for teaching and learning are easily seen here in your words. I love you much!
This is so great! Your kids and parents will love you (even more!) for all the special, extra things like this that you do! Awesome!
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